Bread and Tomorrow

15 September, 2019

 Supporting access to education for children in rural regions


Alka’s social responsibilities are focused on supporting certain communities. We strongly believe that education is important and is an essential tool for a healthy and sustainable development.


We support the „Pâine și mâine” (Bread and tomorrow) program which is aimed at improving the level of education for rural students and reducing school drop out rates. We joined the program run by World Vision Romania, the largest NGO within the rural regions, with the desire to bring change in the lives of children which are giving up on school due to poverty. Our efforts hope to stimulate a love for school and learning, in order to increase their school performance and increase their chances of further education.


The statistics are worrying. The „Pâine și mâine” has been created for disadvantaged communities. Its core target are primary school pupils, with ages ranging between 6-11. The program offers after-school services, including a hot meal and two hours of educational activities. The effects are already visible within the communities, grades have improved and the overall mood has become joyous.


We are happy to take part and to spread joy to the wonderful children. More details about the project can be found on the World Vision website.

Design: baruch naeh logo | Development: richkid_signture_red